library_books Journal History
The Faculty of Ushuluddin, IAIN Walisongo, published the Theologia Journal for the first time in 1989. At the beginning of its history, this journal was managed by students and faculty to accommodate the ideas and thoughts of lecturers and students. This journal is used as a medium of scientific communication for the academic community of the Faculty of Ushuluddin IAIN Walisongo. In its development, around the 1995s, this journal separated its management from students and then managed by lecturers. Meanwhile, students publish their scientific platform called IDEA.
Initially, this journal was published six times a year (two monthly), and then in the late 1990s, it was published four times a year. In 2000, for the first time, the accreditation of national scientific/periodical journals was carried out; The Theologia Journal also applied for accreditation and was immediately accredited with a C rating. After being accredited for the first time, the Theologia journal changed its identity to Theologia: Journal of Ushuluddin Sciences, which focuses its scope on the fields of science studied at the Faculty of Usuluddin, which include: Aqidah-Philosophy, Tafsir-Hadith, Comparative Religion, and Sufism. The publication time has been changed to twice a year.
From 2003 to 2009, Theologia journal maintained its accreditation with a B rating. Unfortunately, in 2012, Theologia journal failed to maintain its title as an accredited journal. With the hard work of its managers, in 2015, the Theologia journal again won the title of the accredited journal (rank B) with the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2/E/KPT/2015.
Along with the development of journals that require online publication, in 2016, the Theologia journal submitted an electronic ISSN Number to LIPI. LIPI provides input that if you want to maintain the volume of publications (as of the first publication in 1989), the journal Theologia must return the name registered at LIPI for the printed version, namely: Jurnal Theologia. Therefore, since 2016, this journal has returned to using the old name, namely, JURNAL THEOLOGIA instead of Theologia: Journal of Ushuluddin Sciences, as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education mentioned above.