Semarang University - Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the effect of job insecurity, Perceived Organizational Support (POS),
and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The number of
samples in this study was 73 respondents. The validity test used the Product Moment
correlation, while the reliability test used the Alpha formula technique. The prerequisite tests
carried out were the normality test using the Kolmogorov Smirnov test, and the
multicollinearity test using the tolerance value and the variance inflation factor (VIF).
Meanwhile, a test of dastisity used a scatterplot graph. Hypothesis testing used path
analysis, while sobel test was to test the strength of the indirect effect of the independent
variable on the dependent variable through mediating variable. The analysis showed that job
insecurity had an effect of 0.446 and perceived organizational support (POS) had an effect of
0.454 on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Organizational commitment was proven to
be able to mediate the effect of perceived organizational support (pos) on organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) with a z value of 3.255. Meanwhile, organizational commitment
proved unable to mediate the effect of job insecurity on organizational citizenship behavior