Journal Information
Journal Title | Journal of Islamic Art and Architecture (JIAA) |
Abbreviation | J. Islam. Art Archit. |
Short Title | JIAA |
Language | English (preferred); Indonesian |
ISSN |  - |
Publication Frequency | 2 issues per year (April and October) |
Management Style | |
Subject Areas | Art and Architecture, Theory in Islamic Architecture, Islamic Values in Architecture, Architectural Design Sustainability, Art of Islamic Culture, Art of Architecture and Local Wisdom and Art Architecture Heritage |
Editor in Chief | Miftahul Khairi, M.Sn.      |
Publisher | Department of Islamic Art and Architecture, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities |
Journal of Islamic Art and Architecture (JIAA) is an open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on Art and Islamic architecture. The articles that can be published in this journal is about architecture from the Islamic value perspective. It can discuss: Art and Architecture, Theory in Islamic Architecture, Islamic Values in Architecture, Architectural Design Sustainability, Art of Islamic Culture, Art of Architecture and Local Wisdom and Art Architecture Heritage.
Vol 2, No 1: April 2024
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Editor in Chief
Ilmu Seni dan Arsitektur Islam, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang